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Chukwuma Udokporo Product Designer

Hi, my name is Chukwuma Udokporo (C.K for short).
I'm a Canadian-based Software Product Designer (UI/UX).

I started my career in 2012 as a Graphic Designer and fully transitioned into UX in 2015. Since then, I have utilized my skills in assisting businesses to create several enterprise and consumer-facing solutions that have generated millions of dollars in annual recurring revenue across multiple industries, such as moving, finance, education, and e-commerce.

While I enjoy shipping new products/features, when I'm not designing, I love spending time with family, playing basketball, gaming, catching up on crime shows, and attending conferences of product companies I love. Occasionally, I also enjoy doing nothing every once in a while (interestingly).

I'm a lifelong learner and believe in constant self-improvement, so as much as possible, I like to learn something new every year. This year, I'm improving my bass guitar playing skills. I'm still on that journey, and I'm still pretty average at it.


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