Sparta / Web & Mobile

Reducing product development timeline for a tech-holding company’s subsidiaries.

Sparta design system case study thumbnail

My Contribution

UX design,
Research, Leadership,
Product strategy, Usability Testing


March 2021 - June 2022


Product Design Lead

Sparta is Venture Garden Group’s design system that helps its startups design, develop, and ship high-quality product experiences repeatedly and at scale. It’s a single source of truth for product teams to conceptualize, prototype, develop, and test their ideas with end-users.

It’s built with the concept of LEGO where each piece can be put together to create unique artifacts. It was created to help product teams build prototypes quickly by utilizing its predefined foundational elements like typography, colors, icons, UI components, patterns, etc.

Defining the Problem
“Our software development cycle is simply
long and inefficient.”

Bunmi Akinyemiju — CEO, Venture Garden Group

Business Goals

Calculator illustration

Reduce average product development timeline.

Clock illustration

Increase products time
to market (TTM).

Interface illustration

Achieve a consistent and delightful user experience across each startup’s product(s).

Goal illustration


Launching B2B or B2C products with best-in-class user experiences should be fast and repeatable.


  • Evangelize the importance of “Sparta” to upper management
    My first step was aligning our plans with business objectives. Where best to start rather than the top? I presented the impact adopting a design system will have on the business to the executives and got them to become advocates. I emphasized how time to market will reduce, and our overall product experience will improve.
  • Get buy-in from business leads
    Next, I engaged the business, product, and engineering leads of each unit to explain the benefits of utilizing a system-based approach in building products. This was not so difficult since I already had the full support of the executives.
  • Understand how Sparta could seamlessly integrate with each team’s existing processes
    Considering the goals, specific use cases, and nuances of each business was critical to how adoption was carried out. Where our component library needed to be adjusted, we improved it to adapt to each business’ workflow.
  • Implemented guardrails
    There have to be measures in place to prevent misuse or deviation from established guidelines.
    I introduced design and code peer reviews to detect inconsistencies in our product’s design before shipping.
  • Measure success
    An initiative cannot be considered a success or failure without defining what “success” is. For us, the success of our design system implementation was measured by two criteria.

    a. The time taken to get our products into the hands of a paying customer.  
    b. In-app customer satisfaction score (CSAT).  
  • Refine — Strategies need to be constantly modified as needed, so I made improvements wherever teams felt there were gaps.


Sparta colours mockupSparta typography mockupSparta grid & spacing typographySparta data visualization mockupSparta button mockup



Customer satisfaction score
for our new products


Revenue-generating products
built in one year.


Increase in overall
product development time.

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